Tag: digital rights management

How to Protect the OTT Content Using DRM?

It’s not a mystery anymore that watching videos have become popular among viewers as an average person spends 100 minutes per day viewing videos. With the rise in the demand for video consumption, the demand for a feature-rich OTT or over-the-top platform has also increased. 

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8 Ways to Secure Your Online Video Content

Videos have become an important part of our daily lives, and their usage is at an all-time high, with a video consumption of 17 hours. per week (average). More than 90% of businesses use videos to explain their products and communicate effectively with their target

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How Digital Rights Management Solution Benefits A Business?

The internet is continuously improving, and with this, the demand for on-demand and video-streaming content is continuously improving. This remarkable increment enhances the use of OTT platforms. But, these OTT platforms and other streaming businesses are concerned about the associated cybersecurity risks. Here, the Digital

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